Accreditation Status Awarded To De La Salle College, Amman

by iaoadmin
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IAO awards full accreditation status to De La Salle College. The college is accredited and recognized by IAO as it fulfills all the requirements of international educational standards and accreditation criteria.

College De La Salle is an Amman, Jordon based private school. Established in 1950, it is a part of Institute of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, also known as the Lasallian Brothers, established by St. John Baptist de La Salle. The institute provides its educational services in 80 different countries including the La Sallian schools and universities across different continents of the globe. The college has more than 148 branches worldwide.Presently, the institute has more than 1450 students with more than 150 highly qualified and well-experienced faculty. The college is willing to teach both boys and girls for their Jordanian certificate of Secondary Education, IGCSE, O-Level and GCE A-Level.

IAO is proud to have De La Salle College as its accredited member and wishes them a very best of luck for their future. We hope that the college maintains its standards of education and keeps on providing top quality education to the students worldwide.

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