How to Write a Cover Letter: Tips You Need to Know

by Robin Smith
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This must have given a click and made you think about the time you struggled writing a cover letter for any job application. Undoubtedly, you must have browsed many cover letter samples and drafted one for yourself picking bits from all suitable samples. Even after spending ages on making it perfect, at the end we still believe it is still not flawless. Ah, that’s sometimes frustrating and we think whether these cover letters are even read or just fit into some old files or dustbins maybe.


To bring to your knowledge cover letter are actually read by the hiring managers and they consider it very important document that is attached to your resume. Your resume may not speak all of what you are, that’s the reason employers prefer cover letters.

We’ve observed new grads and employees find it a little difficult to draft the perfect cover letter to support their resume, therefore we bring today some valid and important tips that will prove to be a source great help, while drafting your cover letter.

  1. Don’t Regurgitate

Try not to repeat yourself when writing a cover letter for job application. Use the cover letter as a weapon to input all your details which cannot be mentioned on your resume. A cover letter gives you the advantage of writing sentences in detail and not just bullet points. Use this advantage as a chance to express yourself to the employers of why you are the perfect candidate for the job.

  1. State What You’re Capable of

Inspite of explaining what wonders you did in the past, show the managers what you are capable of doing in the future in regards to the job post. Tell them how you can deliver the best to the position and the company with your strengths. Make the employers believe that you the only one they are looking for to boost their company sales.

  1. Display your Skills and Not Necessarily your Education

The most common mistake new employees do is that they over-focus on their educational qualification rather than their experience and skills. Educational qualifications work as a support to your experience and skills. The employers may be interested in your past experiences and educational qualifications, but they would rather like to know how much potential do you possess that fits right for the particular job. This is when you display them your skills. Your professional and technical, both skills will count for your potential to work in the company.


  1. Don’t Regret for What You Don’t Have

Never display your weaknesses to your employers. You may think of being honest but most of the time its other way around. It may be counted as a negative impact on your resume and you may get rejected for it. If you lack anything, don’t regret. Rather be strong and firm on what you have. Stay positive always, focus on your strengths and try to bring down the employers to your strengths and not the drawbacks.

  1. Appraise the Company – Story Telling

This is the part where you can get the employers in your hand. In your cover letter, in a precise way, speak about why you want to join their company. Speak all well about the company, the people there and their services. Tell them it has always been a dream working with their organization.

  1. Leave Over-Formality

It is nice to stay formal when it comes to professionalism, but over-formality showcases a robotic picture. You want the employers to believe that a real person is at the opposite side which is very much alive, lively, active, friendly, approachable, and awesome-to-work-with person you are.


  1. Be Real and Normal

The employers, everyday read dozens of cover letters from different candidates and have seen letters from people who are “absolutely thrilled for the opportunity” or “very excitedly applying!” Well this is what you should avoid and act normal and real when writing a job cover letter. Avoid using outdated career guides and college textbooks with dumb and stale rules and tips. Write the truth and stay honest.

  1. Don’t Start With Your Name

Don’t repeat your name everywhere as you have already mentioned your name on your resume. The employer will not be interested in reading your name again and again rather in your skills and potentials and what profit can you be to the company.

  1. Keep it Short and Sweet

Many employers don’t prefer to read cover letter that comprise of 400-500 words. No way! They will not even skim through it. Hence, try to limit your cover letter to 200-250 words, that’s it. Ensure you are to the point and describe your details clearly and precisely.

  1. Get it Proofread

Once you have finished writing make sure a second person proofreads and provides you feedback. If the feedback is positive then it is good to go else you need to do it again.

Always double check the text for any improper grammar or spelling errors.

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