Institute Accreditation

by iaoadmin
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Accreditation is an external assessment (through peer review) of an institute’s performance. It is conducted by a recognized agency or organization, based on criteria established by that body. In academia, accreditation has always been viewed as a way to ensure quality assurance and improve standards of education. When your institute is accredited, it gets you more and more students enrolled with it. This is because the accreditation scores reflect the performance of your institute and thus, it helps in increasing trust in your college. Institute accreditation is a requirement for all academic institutions, especially private ones. Accreditation is necessary for the institute to get recognition from other educational institutions, so that the students can secure placements and continue their education easily.

Accreditation Body

An accreditation body is a third-party organization that supports the growth of your institute by providing you with educational resources, support, and guidance. The accreditation body is an important part of the accreditation process. It helps your institution get accredited by providing expertise and services that are necessary to fulfill criteria required for accreditation.

How Does IAO Accreditation Help Your Institute?

IAO is an independent international accreditation organization, dedicated to evaluating and recognizing excellence in academic quality assurance. We grant accreditation to the best universities across the world, regardless of geographic location or size. IAO is synonymous with quality. Since our inception, we have granted worldwide accreditation to universities and institutions committed to providing students with an outstanding education.

Students graduating from IAO accredited universities are assured they have received a quality education. They have knowledge, skills and competences needed to compete successfully in an ever more competitive world economy. IAO Accreditation supports you in the process of becoming a quality educational institution by meeting the highest standards in teaching and learning, staff development and governance.

Get Your Institute Accredited with IAO

IAO uses its special patented points profile system to evaluate institution accreditation before anything else. Each institute must have at least 60% of each category full to qualify for accreditation. Our four categories include marketing, teaching, resources and future plans. The institute is evaluated on seven parameters: students’ performance, curriculum structure and design, faculty and staff expertise, physical infrastructure, administrative setup and functioning, monitoring and review mechanisms in place.

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