International Accreditation Organization Grants Candidacy to The New Tulip International School

by Robin Smith
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Candidacy status is granted to The New Tulip International School by IAO on their exceptional services in the field of education.


The New Tulip International School was established in 1996, by Mr. Yogesh Shridhar, in the memory of his late father who was an educationist. Mr. Yogesh laid the foundation of the school with a dream to of making Tulip into a model school, providing an amiable atmosphere to the students and enabling them to meet the challenges of the world successfully. Mr. Yogesh believes that the tender hands of the educators can do wonders in molding a child into a responsible citizen.3-20-2017 1-45-03 PMThe school draws much of its inspiration from the International Standards setup by World Educational Organizations. The environment of the school promotes effective learning of the students, helping them to explore the hidden skills and talents within them. The school caters to the needs of the students both academically and emotionally. The school focuses on imparting education as a mean of not only achieving future goals but as a continuous process of advancement.IAO appreciates the efforts of the school and the staff, which is dedicated towards teaching the students with high quality education and molding them into good and responsible citizens. IAO is glad to grant the school the status of candidacy and takes pride to award the full accreditation status to the school in the near future.


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