Announcing IAO’s Visit to the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata
About the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata:
University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Kolkata aims to provide an international ambiance and exposure with innovative teaching techniques and courses that are tailor-made (technical & soft skills) for the job market giving the students the winning edge and competitive advantage during placements.
- UEM Kolkata has won the “AAA” category (first 10 institutes nationally among all institutes of India including all IITs and NITs) in NPTEL program (IIT Kharagpur and IIT Chennai)
- UEM Kolkata student has stood 1st amongst all students of India in NPTEL program
- UEM Kolkata organized UEMCON-2016 at Columbia University, New York, USA in association with IEEE New York, IEEE USA, and IEEE Region 1
- The University is a partner institution in the prestigious European Union-sponsored project ‘FRACTION’ & ‘UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAAN’ of Govt. of India.
- UEMK has been recognized in the band “Performer” under the category “University & Deemed to be University (Private/Self Financed) (Technical)” in ATAL RANKING OF INSTITUTIONS ON INNOVATION ACHIEVEMENTS (ARIIA) 2021, a flagship program of the Ministry of Education, Government of India.