Pupilpad E-Learning System is Granted the Status of Candidacy by IAO

by Robin Smith
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IAO is glad to welcome Pupilpad E-Learning System in the global educational community by granting it the status of Candidacy.

Pupilpad E-Learning was launched in 2011 by the Modern Eastern Group (The mother company). As a result of the growing technology and to make learning fun for the school going kids, this system was brought into schools of Jordan. The purpose of Pupilpad was to bring the use of technology into the teaching learning process and make the learning more effective and fun for the students in the classrooms. Implementing this system will change the traditional classroom into a smart-device friendly environment where the teachers use the new technical methods to teach the students and make them aware of the growing technological society.

12991018_1322070577809411_1791028228257558503_nPupilpad visions to lead the educational techniques to a higher level and spread it within the Arab Region and across the globe. They aim to make education more fun and effective by adapting and incorporating new methods of teaching with technology. Pupilpad believes in such learning that is imparted with the spirit of the century, evolution and modernity to achieve the superior goal of serving the community in the best way possible. The creation of Pupilpad Smart System and U-Board Portable Interactive W.B. System has taken the teaching learning process to a new level where teachers can control which activities and applications a student can use and converting any flat surface to a fully featured interactive working and teaching space in minutes through the U-Board, portable smart board anywhere any time.Pupilpad 1Pupilpad is a good start to promote and enhance E-learning at all levels of education standards. With such educational teaching techniques the students are linked to the modern age of technology and with the help of Project Based Learning the students, especially at lower levels, learn more quickly. IAO is very much satisfied with the idea and services of Pupilpad and thus grants it Candidacy with the hope of awarding full accreditation in the near future. We wish the very best to Pupilpad E-Learning System and wish to see them come up with more creative and innovative ideas in future.

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